
Navigating holiday burnout

Navigating holiday burnout

When I think about the end of the year, one of two images comes to mind:

Frantic. Holiday. Rush. Overcommitted schedules, cycling between hosting, attending, and recovering. End-of-year deadlines. Overwhelming family dynamics. Impossible parking near any shopping center. And nervous breakdowns - probably more than one.


How you've been conditioned to "get ahead"

How you've been conditioned to "get ahead"

For me it started with the "honors track." The pressure to succeed never came from my parents - in fact, every time I was offered the option of testing for GATE, signing up for my first set of honors classes, or trying out for the varsity sport, my mom called around to check if it was even the right thing to do. She didn't want me to lose my childhood. She just wanted me to be a happy kid.

Can you have PTSD from work?

Can you have PTSD from work?

Our body doesn't do a great job of distinguishing between running from a lion and an urgent email when it comes to responding to stress, and in today's "always-on" culture, it also has a really big problem turning it off.