Slowing Down

Embracing the Jungle Gym

Embracing the Jungle Gym

“Sometimes it’s ok to just be on time.”

Have you ever stopped long enough to notice that for some reason we’re always in this huge rush? If we’re not rushing to get to the top of the ladder, we’re rushing to have kids and get them to piano, or rushing through yoga to check it off the list. It’s as if the narrative we’ve been told for so long to “get ahead” has birthed this silent pressure looming overhead, regardless of what we're doing. But the more we rush to fit “more” in, the less we’re actually present enough to enjoy any of it.

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

People often talk about the road less traveled because of its wild unknown, a unadulterated challenge whose pursuit is worth the reward.

But sometimes I wonder if many of these paths are less taken not because they’re harder, but simply because their great beauty is often lost on us. Right beneath our noses, yet never enough for our ever increasing preoccupations with the hustle and bustle of our busy lives.